Thursday, October 23, 2014

Updates and Distracting Myself....

Right off the bat: Sorry not sorry.
Alright bear with me because I'm trying to distract myself, and this post revolves around the reason.
But first few updates on this apartment life oh mine to answer questions I've received:
1) So Linda turned out to be not as normal as the initial encounter, a fact that my land lord let me know after her room stayed empty for a few weeks after her supposed move-in day so it's still just Alfred, Mothball, and I....and usually Hilda.
2)Mothball is getting her lady parts taken are of and there is relief abounding through the apartment.
3) Mothball's belongings had vanished from the bathroom the next morning! Halleeeelujah I was quite relieved.  Casual conversation with Alfred revealed that Surprise! she was driving him nut with the constant meowing so she was banished from his room.

Fun fact: After I work out, I try to guzleguzzleguzzle water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated.  And it helps me not to want to eat all foods within reach.
  So this lovely, rainy evening I am standing in my kitchen in front of my laptop-I rarely sit....ever..- and scrolling through pinterest halloween food ideas  articles for an assignment whilst Alfred's music blares from the bathroom as he stars the shower. Important fact in this story.
So I'm typing, scrolling, typing scrolling when all of a sudden WHOOOOOOOSH, the copious amount of water I have drank throughout the day hits my bladder and I have to pee like Sea Biscuit....except there is only one bathroom and I am not a guy so the great outdoors is not an option.

Now Alfred is one of the few guys I know that will take lonnnnng showers, a fact my bladder and I are acutely aware of. Ohmanohmanohman ohhhhgoodygoodygumdrops...ohhhhkayyyy focus.  Read article....all I can hear is the shower running....curses! Alright ummm....newspaper ad! Hmm yesssss what IS on sale this week? Anything used to make delicious Halloween treats?? *Concentrating fiercely on connecting what to make with what is on sale whilstignoringthesoundofrunningwater*  Ad is finished...Oh man...AHA! BLOG!  And so here I sit. Like I said, sitting is something I rarely do so this is how you know it's a crisis.  If you see me sitting, immediately assume something drastic is happening or shall soon occur.  Lalala, just perusing gifs and expounding on my glorious li- THE BATHROOM DOOR HAS OPENED BYEEEEEEEEE!!! *Sprints/hobbles as fast as possible*

Sheldon is the Master
Amy's Life
Captain Jack

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