Tuesday, December 9, 2014

NRRP=Non roomie related post; How I prepare for finals....

As you may have guessed this is not related to the roomie, so for those of you who read solely for the torments given by roomie and his cat, I am sorry.  Truly.

For those of you not in college, or have never been, or are super smart, let me paint a picture of pre-finals week for you: Students mill the library, trying to find an open corner where they can plant their face into a computer or book for the next 8 hours and cry their tears of frustration  All final projects and papers are due on the same day so there is a pointless yet all-consuming effort to both prioritize and simultaneously work on said projects.  It is a seen of chaos and despair, one we all know will end in netflix binges as result of overload and loss of the ability to care.  Finals are this week, meaning this past weekend was the beginning of prep/go time....Me? I spent it on an impromptu road trip to Missouri....

I blame my wanderlust and friend who lives out of his van....yes that last statement is true, but more on him in a minute.  So last week, I'm surrounded by projects to finish and papers to proofread while trying to balance a socialish life...yeah they don't always play well together.  So I meet my Van Friend for coffee and eats and we get talking about his travels and where he's headed next-this is Wednesday by the way- when he mentions he's considering heading down to Missouri for the weekend to grab his tools and some more clothes to put into his current vehicle he's driving for the winter.  Coconversationontinues, wanders, and he all of a sudden decides to invite me along for an impromptu road trip.  Like I said my wanderlust has been growing and said friend is well aware so this is not helping me.  Like a good student with at least 5-7 projects to finish I decline with a, "Oh I wish!!"  But once the seed is planted...I ask when he's leaving, you know out of healthy curiousity. Apparently he plans on leaving around Friday morning...Friday, the day I don't have classes, Friday, the day I was going to blast through alllllllll pending projects...Hmmmmm
"Well keep me posted on your plans, I'll see what I can accomplish."

And you thought Red Bull gave you wings...Let me tell you, there is nothing more motivational than a impromptu, happy-go-lucky road trip to kick me in gear, as I discovered.

  Thursday alone I finished three projects.  Every waking moment was literally spent doing something homework or project related.  I had a five hour break that consisted of gym time, club Christmas party, cooking a freaking fabulous meal with a friend -that I met over free hot dogs at about 11:30 pm a few weeks back...I may have to post that story soon- and then back at it until 2 am.  Friday at 6:30, my alarm screams and I roll out of bed, shower, breakfast and crack open the laptop to start-and finish-another final project.  40 minutes of filming myself talk and untangle a ball of yarn- which represented conflict and peace (yeah I'll explain if you want me too but we'll leave it at that for now)- I peer review a paper, subit, and then start reviewing another one for a friend.  As I am doing so, I get a text, Van Friend is on his way.  I'm packed, ready to go, and at 11 a.m., the weekend before finals, with an exam at 10:30 on Monday. I REGRET NOTHING.
Seriously, I don't. Even with getting back at 2 am on the day of a final AND a presentation.  I made it through and I can guarantee the memories of that trip will last a lot longer than my memory of that exam. I met fabulous people, ate amazing things-haven't ate that muh ginger....ever. It was fabulous.  I also almost got hit  by a car, but we'll do those fun details next post...because seriously people don't you know it's finals week?!  I 'm busy!....

Photo credits

1 comment:

  1. Now you know how to get through finals...plan a trip;)
