Monday, September 1, 2014

How It All Began....

So here is the story of this blog and the reason behind its birth:
Going into my senior year at university, I had the lovely idea of "Hey let's transfer schools!"  (I blame my friend Katie for this)  Sadly I decided to do this in oh you know, June, when the availability for housing is oh you know....nonexistent.  So off I go, apartment hunting! La de dah!  I check out 2 within my price range, and decide on the first one I visited, which is an upper level house 3-bedroom apartment.  Now I have nobody in this new town that I know so therefore, I have no ready-set roommates.  This means whoever else decides to fill in the other 2 bedrooms shall be my roomies for the year.  Faaaaasssst forward to August:  I am alerted to the fact that my roommates are to be a male and a male with a girlfriend.  Small apartment just got a lot smaller.  Also, male and girlfriend are interested in the bedroom I had originally looked at so the landlord offers to decrease my rent if I would kindly take the smallest bedroom, which I had not toured but hey for twenty bucks less, I'll take it!  Tis no big deal, I'm pretty laid back and go with the flow.  It shall be an adventure!!

Move-In Day!  Getting nervous/anxious to meet these strangers I have to live with for the next 9 months....I arrive, find the  key, open the door, tromp up the stairs and....nobody. Nothing.  Alright, cool.  Well might as well unload!  I drag the first box up and open the door to my quarters and momentarily wonder if I've mistakenly wandered into a large walk-in closet.  Judging by the windows, and the fact there is no other option, it appears I have found my room! Minor surprise, but a small detail I can live with..  Thankfully the only thing I really have to fit in this charming space is a bed.
 Move it all in but still no sign of the mateys.  By this time, Mother, my moving partner in crime has arrived so we unpack what we can then head to the motel to eat and attend to other activities.  The next morning I say farewell to the mother and continue to unpack.  The kitchen, I discover, has NO cabinet space, so I decide to utilize the oven drawer.  Upon opening, it's rather grimy and littered with old food so time to clean and scrub and imagine happy things!  The door down stairs opens and I brace myself for the first encounter.
"Hi I'm Ashley!" I cheerily introduce myself to a blonde girl about my age.
"Hi I'm  Lacy*....I'm actually moving out; Dwight* and I just broke up."  Well this just got alllllll sorts of interesting and awkward.  I offer condolences as well as the boxes I am unpacking.  Well one less roommate to share the bathroom with!
The rest of the day unfolds in a quiet, uneventful manner.  Iron Man mask, and Spider Manposter are successfully hung and my mattress is plopped on the floor and I ponder this new living development:. I shall now be rooming with two dudes,  Dwight and Alfred.  One bathroom, one kitchen, one year.  Let it begin!!