Friday, September 12, 2014


Unlike the average bear-or monkey or velociraptor or fairy of what have you-I adore surprises.  Absolutely infatuated with them.  It is a long held dream of mine that I be thrown a surprise party for any occasion. Strange, but the unapologetic truth.  I also seem to be more horrid at predicting things and people then most. I am the worlds best reverse fortune teller.  If I tell you "I think this will happen," It's almost guaranteed to be the opposite. Moral: Never believe what I say.

When I first moved into my humble abode, like any respectable young adult in the 21st century technology world, I facebook creeped upon my new living mates.
Lacy was the first one I looked at because hey I figured I would have another female person with me in this testosterone filled apartment!  All her recent pictures showed her and Dwight together, a happy young couple.  She definitely appears to be an active sporty, individual.  Sounds good to me!
Dwight seemed to be the next logical choice in my purposeful facebook trolling.  His page was....interesting.  Activities seemed to be a bit questionable at times but harmless enough.  Still, I thought, "Self, this will definitely be the interesting one of the bunch. I'm not sure how we shall handle this one, but we shall stay strong."
Alfred's profile was my next destination.  Profile picture looks to be of the senior variety.  Definitely a hunter.  Looks like a decent harmless sort, perhaps of the shyer variety.  Fabulous.  It seems I'll have one quiet roommate at least and if any problems arise
  Faaaaaasssssst forward to the third week in this adventure:  Lacy is gone. (Reason-and intro to my living situation and fun, if your new to all of these shenanigans.)  Alfred doesn't seem to be my biggest fan-working on figuring out if this is just me or if my normally wrong hunch is actually right- and has been the core of any difficulties or disruptions   .
Most recent or the difficulties:  Dishes were once again piling up and even though Alfred is currently one handed, I asked his to do dishes.  Yes I realize it's difficult, but it is possible.  I politely asked and was abruptly told "No I am not doing dishes one handed."
"You heard me."
Well then...."Then see if Hilda will help you (his gf)" *Yes I realize that may seem out of line and rude, but she eats here just as often as he does.)
A few days later, the dishes are done! YAYYYY!  And after some thinking I decide to offer a compromise:  I will do dishes until his hand heals if he will vaccuum.
I hear a garbled response and he shuts his door.  A few minutes later, I deciphered it into "Sure, after the dishes are done."
I'm sorry mister snarky pants.  I wan't going to go ahead and do your dishes after asking you to do them.  That would have been counter productive on my part and would have most likely earned me the label of pushover/housemaidy person.  At twenty years old, you need to figure out how to work things out and do things, even if you are one handed.  Rant over.

And Dwight.  In the past week alone, I have had 3 good, interesting conversations with him and his friends, covering everything from our beliefs on the existence of "true love," society and it's flaws, with a hint of governmental views thrown in for good measure. He's one of those sorts that seems to make friends with everyone because he's so laid back. And come deer season we have worked out a trade that for the venison he makes,   I will make "those dank cookies" He has an interesting, slightly wangster vocabulary at times...and we live in a small, midwestern city....I find it hysterical.
Since no one in my immediate family hunts so I am extremely excited about this prospect for fresh venison.  (Sorry not sorry to vegetarians....bacon and other meets have a grand and happy relationship with my tastebuds.)
AND HE HAS DONE DISHES 2 DAYS IN A ROW!! Seriously you have no idea how happy this make me! I clapped and happy danced when I first laid my eyes on the full drying rack and empty sink.  I smile just at the memory....
Talk about unexpected happenings and unexpected surprises.  Like I said, I am terrible at predicting things.
It's not all sunshine and rainbows for sure (someone threw away the "Cleaning Guidelines list I had drawn up....that will change nothing boys.  You must still clean the toilet."   but it's a learning experience, and a valuable one.  It's hard to work with people who maybe don't view things the same way you do or have completely different attitudes.  However this is life, and learning how to compromise and cope with these kind of difficulties are an important skill....I'm trying to be a good pupil but dang it's hard. I don't like conflict but I'm definitely seeing that it's important to stick with your guns....just don't fire unnecessary shots!

new girl gif
big bang theory gif
dancing dude gif

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