Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Updates and 7 a.m. Alcohol

Dwight has officially left the Hilton Heights Apartment Suite and Rita is due to move in this week at some point.  There is a mysterious van parked in our lot so I'm assuming it's hers....if not I may have someone handing out free candy in the back alley....sketchy I tell you.

Also, mothball, annoyance extraordinaire, is FINALLY done with heat and is getting fixed on Friday. Oh hallelujah.  Yeah so remember the experiment I told you to try to understand how annoying a cat in heat is?  Modification.  Put annoying sound producing object  inside a stuffed animal and have a three year old constantly shove it your face, on your laptop, and never not touching you....THat sounds like a more accurate depiction.

Funny story:  Bright and early last Thursday, I am in the process of eating my "oatmeal"and still slogging through my half-asleep stage as I get ready for 8am. class.  While Enjoying my breakfast, Alfred wanders in and reaches around me to grab a glass from the cupboard. Polite, "morning"s are exchanged as he open the fridge and takes out the orange juice.  Followed by the Jim Beam.  At the ripe hour of approximately 7a.m.  Inside I start giggling.  7:30 a.m. I am heading towards the door as Alfred pours himself another concoction.
 "Rough day ahead?" I ask amusement..
"Nope! It's my day off!"
As I walk out the door I am struggling to contain laughter and  reflecting on how I have had those ideal days off, spening the day in my sweats, maybe showering, eating whatever have you's and zoning on blogs, facebook and books.  Too each their own, and Alfred's is Jim Beam....all day be cause when I was back in the kitchen around 1230 he was pouring another glass.  Sir, I judge you not.

Candy Van

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