Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The experiment

Sorrysorrysorry it's been forever!  I've been swamped with class and homework.  I finished my 10+page paper after 5 straight hours of staring at my laptop screen and my eyeballs felt like falling straight to my keyboard rather than staring at this infernal thing any longer.  Plus I was still missing an interview I needed for this confounded report.  One hadn't gotten back to me  and the other contact couldn't get it done until this weekend ....a tidbit I found this a.m. while I was trying to pound out a coherent paper.  I spent five minutes in giddy, hysterical I'mgonnahaveameltdown state when the most beautiful miracle happened and I squealed for joy and breathed the biggest side of relief as I grinned a room-brightening grin: The first of my contacts emailed me all the answers to my questions. I was absolutely delirious with relief., brief as it was as I still had to incorporate her answers and make up, er research, some other details..

Also part of the reason it's been forever was that I was conducting an experiment.  You see, we have been running EXTREMELY low on toilet paper lately.  Now I have a stash in my room.  I filled up the t.p. holder thing we have, and supplied a few rolls after that.  Maybe I'm a horrible person....But there would be days where our porcelain office was devoid of white plushiness.  My experiment was to see if Alfred would take it upon himself to go buy more.  One particular day when the TP was non existent during the longest stretch so far, being about 3 days that I had not supplied a roll from the stash,  I noticed there was a new kleenex box placed on the back of le toilet. Hm. interesting.  
Probably a good thing the land lord is unaware of this potential clogging hazard.  Keep  in mind this experiment goes on for a weekish, probably more.  Well I'm headed outta town for the weekend so I shall leave Alfred and Hilda, le girlfriend, and the kleenex to their duties for the next 4 days!
Monday I come back and much to my shock, the bathroom stand is overflowing with roll on rolls on rolls of white, woven, beautiful toilet paper. AND there is a new stash of paper towel, which we were also devoid of. AND more dish soap, which we had, but oh well.  I was beyond impressed.  I might even do some of his dishes. Ha. Ha. Ha. Just kidding: the garbage is stinking up the apartment and basically overflowing. again.

Also, guess who is in heat...for the third time in 2 WEEKS....

meme 1, meme 2, meme 3

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are looking up! Thought I might have to send an overnight package, but it looks like you have got it "covered!" The kleenex could be a bad thing:/
