Tuesday, December 9, 2014

NRRP: Missouri is not Misery

UPDATE! (see bottom of post)
So as some of you may know, I quite recently road tripped down to Missouri, quite suddenly, on the weekend before finals.  And it was grand.

I feel some highlights of the trip are necessary.  And if you don't find them exciting....well sad day.

First highlight happened in West Union, Iowa.  Not an exciting town, and not a particularly exciting reason to stop, but it's what you make of it!  You see my father, which Van friend and I are both quite well acquainted with (shocker there), has been looking for a fork lift to add to his rental business so being the good person he is Van friend pulled over to take pictures an such to see if le father would be interested.  At this point, it may be beneficial to mention my parents had noooo idea I went on this trip, and this stop definitely drug out the process of informing them, solely for entertainment reasons. And how so? you may ask.  Well in one of these pictures, my face is quite perfectly photo-bombing the forklift.....and father, nor mother caught it so I am biding my time to reveal my whereabouts that weekend at the point that will maximize both shock and hilarity. Mwhahahahahah

Highlight two.  If you ever happen to be in Colombia, Missouri and have some time to kill, head downtown to India's house.  It's not a very big or fancy place but it's a delicious and fabulous, authentic Indian cuisine restaurant.  The owners are first genertation Indian and the food is just.....gahhhhh beyond words.  Seriously beyond amazing.  We dined on Chicken Masala and Chicken Korma with sides of naan, mint chutney and tamarind chutney.  NOM.  After indulging and enjoying pure culinary bliss, we headed back to the minivan.  On the way back however, the sidewalk is blocked off so Van Friend decides we should just follow the college kids walking on the road ahead of us.  "Follow the mob; you're less likely to get hit," is his logic.  Of course, no more than two seconds later there are headlights RIGHT BEHIND ME. Cue the running!! Six of us are booking it down the street, two of us very full with delicious Indian food.
"My mother doesn't even know I'm here!"  "Yeah, no big deal I got ran over in Missouri! I just hopped in a van with some dude!"  I may have been yelling these things as I sprinted ahead of the high-heeled college girls.

Earlier in the week, I learned how to make genuine Tiramisu from a lady who was visiting the US from Italy.  Let me tell you, it is delicious and fantastically simple.  The most difficult part is waaaaaaaiting.  So Saturday,  while staying at Van Friend's brother and sister-in-law's home, we were given the the task of preparing the deliciousness. Gahhh.  And they had an espresso machine meaning that not only was I extremely happy every morning, we could also make genuine tiramisu,  Needless to say, they were quite impressed by our culinary skills.  We enjoyed the fruits of our labor while watching Guardians of the Galaxy.  It was a beautiful moment.

One last thing I must mention:  The home where we stayed is built on the bluffs just outside of Jefferson City.  While some aspects of the house are a bit wonky, the reason behind it is that the architect designed it so the occupants would never be without a view, and he succeeded.  One of the walls in my room was simply a large window, which showed the white-light cityscape of Jefferson.  Definitely an amazing view to fall asleep to.
^^The view from my room of Jefferson City

<<Where's Waldo

Seriously this trip was all sorts of fabulous and the little bit of escape from reality I needed.  And then they invited me to join them in Florida...just met these amazing people by the way.  Curses.  Seriously I need to work and attend to my responsibilities!! So tempting tho....

UPDATE: Mother, and Father, are now aware of my travels.  I showed Mom the below picture after asking if she had seen the picture of the forklift Van Friend had taken for le padre.  I zoomed in on my face and waited....She saw me but it didn't sink in that I HAD BEEN IN MISSOURI until I stated, "Yeah, that's how I study for finals."  Her face....Priceless.

Go There
Jim Carrey
PS. If ya'll would enjoy the recipe for tiramisu, let me know and I'll post it!

NRRP=Non roomie related post; How I prepare for finals....

As you may have guessed this is not related to the roomie, so for those of you who read solely for the torments given by roomie and his cat, I am sorry.  Truly.

For those of you not in college, or have never been, or are super smart, let me paint a picture of pre-finals week for you: Students mill the library, trying to find an open corner where they can plant their face into a computer or book for the next 8 hours and cry their tears of frustration  All final projects and papers are due on the same day so there is a pointless yet all-consuming effort to both prioritize and simultaneously work on said projects.  It is a seen of chaos and despair, one we all know will end in netflix binges as result of overload and loss of the ability to care.  Finals are this week, meaning this past weekend was the beginning of prep/go time....Me? I spent it on an impromptu road trip to Missouri....

I blame my wanderlust and friend who lives out of his van....yes that last statement is true, but more on him in a minute.  So last week, I'm surrounded by projects to finish and papers to proofread while trying to balance a socialish life...yeah they don't always play well together.  So I meet my Van Friend for coffee and eats and we get talking about his travels and where he's headed next-this is Wednesday by the way- when he mentions he's considering heading down to Missouri for the weekend to grab his tools and some more clothes to put into his current vehicle he's driving for the winter.  Coconversationontinues, wanders, and he all of a sudden decides to invite me along for an impromptu road trip.  Like I said my wanderlust has been growing and said friend is well aware so this is not helping me.  Like a good student with at least 5-7 projects to finish I decline with a, "Oh I wish!!"  But once the seed is planted...I ask when he's leaving, you know out of healthy curiousity. Apparently he plans on leaving around Friday morning...Friday, the day I don't have classes, Friday, the day I was going to blast through alllllllll pending projects...Hmmmmm
"Well keep me posted on your plans, I'll see what I can accomplish."

And you thought Red Bull gave you wings...Let me tell you, there is nothing more motivational than a impromptu, happy-go-lucky road trip to kick me in gear, as I discovered.

  Thursday alone I finished three projects.  Every waking moment was literally spent doing something homework or project related.  I had a five hour break that consisted of gym time, club Christmas party, cooking a freaking fabulous meal with a friend -that I met over free hot dogs at about 11:30 pm a few weeks back...I may have to post that story soon- and then back at it until 2 am.  Friday at 6:30, my alarm screams and I roll out of bed, shower, breakfast and crack open the laptop to start-and finish-another final project.  40 minutes of filming myself talk and untangle a ball of yarn- which represented conflict and peace (yeah I'll explain if you want me too but we'll leave it at that for now)- I peer review a paper, subit, and then start reviewing another one for a friend.  As I am doing so, I get a text, Van Friend is on his way.  I'm packed, ready to go, and at 11 a.m., the weekend before finals, with an exam at 10:30 on Monday. I REGRET NOTHING.
Seriously, I don't. Even with getting back at 2 am on the day of a final AND a presentation.  I made it through and I can guarantee the memories of that trip will last a lot longer than my memory of that exam. I met fabulous people, ate amazing things-haven't ate that muh ginger....ever. It was fabulous.  I also almost got hit  by a car, but we'll do those fun details next post...because seriously people don't you know it's finals week?!  I 'm busy!....

Photo credits

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving, Cookie Dough, &Emma Stone ( I wrote this on Thanksgiving, just a wee slow at posting....)

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving all you lovely people! I'm back home and I'm ecstatic to spend time with my family and to, of course, to eat the many delicious things that have been prepared.  I love cooking, baking and tasting what other people make so the fact that Thanksgiving lets me do that in the company of amazing people is beyond fabulous.

Tuesday I headed to a nearby city to a "weird and possibly offensive Thanksgiving"  I was invited about a month ago as the result of a chance meeting at a Barnes & Noble with a fabulous person from English Club (I am a word nerd, so sue me)  and their roommate.  As soon as she said weird and  possibly offensive, I was immediately excited and willing to whatever it took to make it.  That turned out to be making potatoes.  Psh. done.  And as  a bonus, we were encouraged to come costumed as Thanksgiving themed things.  Dressing up=YES.  Seriously.  Halloween is my favorite holiday, though veryveryvery closely followed by Thanksgiving.  So combining the dress-up portion of Halloweeen with the deliciousness and togetherness of Thanksgiving makes this girl extreeeeeeeeemely happy.  So upon arrival, I was greeted by, "Hi glad you made it! Do you want your face painted?!" These are my kind of people. I met many a fabulous people and it sounds like Christmas may be a repeat of the dressup-weird-and-offensive-theme.  Cannot wait.

Also last week for an ugly sweater party(also one of my favorite things) and a Thanksgiving  bonding event for a campus club, I made some Eggless, Edible Holiday Sugar Cookie Dough Balls.  Yes you read that correctly.  In fact let me state that again, just to make it real for you, EGGLESS HOLIDAY SUGAR COOKIE DOUGH BALLS TO SHOVE IN YOUR MOUTH AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.  Yep that sounds right, especially since I had no evidence of said goodies by the time I returned home that night.

As a result of that self explanatory possible, many have asked for the recipe so I figured a blog was a appropriate place to post it!  I got the general frame work from both HERE and HERE(this one will make a little more) and then modified it to suit my tastes/needs.  The "holiday" part comes from me wanting to make something a little more exciting than just plain old sugar cookie dough balls, and the cookie dough balls instead of cookies came from the lack of eggs aaaaaaand lacking the funds to buy them.  Yes, I am lacking the moneys to buy eggs #collegelife.
But without further ado, here is the main focus of this post (seriously, let's be honest.)

Holiday Cookie Dough Heaven

For more: (adapted from the Cupcake Project)

  • 1&1/3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 c. French Vanilla Cappucino/Creamer powder (I used Maxwell House)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 c. white sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 c. milk or water (add as needed)
  • Pumpkin Spice ( I just dumped to taste...) OR Ground cinnamon and allspice with just a dash or 2 of ginger.  (more cinnamon than allspice).  This was another ingredient  I kind of dumped to my digression...whoops

    For not at much (but still a good amount)...(adapted from Polish the Stars)

    • 1/2 c. butter, softened
    • 1/4 c, granulated sugar
    • 3/4 c.  brown sugar
    • 1 c. all-purpose flour
    • 1/3 c. French Vanilla Cappuccino/Creamer powder (I used Maxwell House)
    • 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
    • 1-2 Tbsp. water/milk (add as needed)
    • Pumpkin Spice ( I just dumped to taste...) OR Ground cinnamon and allspice with just a dash or 2 of ginger.  (more cinnamon than allspice) . This was another ingredient I kind of dumped to my digression...whoops....

    Cream the sugar and butter together.  Then add the vanilla, seasonings and flour. Mix until cookie dough consistency, adding the milk/water as needed. Next, eat directly from the spatula  roll into balls to 
    a) Serve and share
     b) Have an eating contest with yourself, or 
    c) store in the fridge for a few weeks, or a few months in the freezer

    Also sorry-not-sorry for 2 Emma Stone Gifs

    Photo credits

    Emma Stone
    Emma Stone 2
    Chris Hemsworth is not sorry

    Saturday, November 15, 2014

    Childhood: Ruined. And also, Thank Youuuuuu

    First and foremost, thank you!  I'm pretty sure a friend I was with recently thought I went crazy when I started jumping up and down with a joyful OHMYGOODNESS as I saw my blog had reached over a thousand views.
    ^^^Alan Rickman's/Snape's reaction=pretty close to that of friend who witnessed my outburst.

    Maybe it's not a big deal to anyone else, but to me it was pretty amazing.  So thankthankthankthankyou.  I'll post a treat of sorts at the end.  I need to time to think of something suitable for such amazing people.  (Also on an unrelated note, I think the volume of my computer is possessed as it randomly will get louder.....)

    I am a nineties child and dang proud of it. I religiously and shamelessly jam to The Spice Girls, Backstreet, and N*Sync , I feel nostalgic when I see  a cassette tape or Walkman, and I am still a bit attached to CDs over digital music.  Also Pokemon. (The original 150. Please.)  I was obsessed  Again, no shame.  Seriously though,  in second grade, I would write my name on my papers as "Ashley/Misty Andrews"  (I tried to get away with just writing "Misty" on my paper once but at that point my teacher didn't find my identity crisis cute anymore.)  My "Student of the Week" picture was taken on a day when I was wearing my "Misty" outfit (yellow Tshirt with coveralls.)  I had a bit of a problem. Obviously.

                                 Alright adult content past this point; You have been warned
    I was attempting to be productive on a Saturday.  Yes, reread that a few times.  I had every intention of being productive in the a.m. but yeahhhhh one phone call with mother to vent/cry about life (it's been a reeeeeeal long week; don't judge me), which led to us shopping online together over the phone, meant that two hours later I decided I should probably stop eating things and do SOMETHING.
    By this point, Linda and Alfred had arrived home.  They said hello and disappeared into Alfred's room and turn on the TV.  And then the noises start.  AHHHHH One Republic save meeeeeeeeeeee.  Now if this isn't bad enough on its own-which it is- I catch a snippet of the show that's playing in the background.  It's Pokemon.  THEY ARE WATCHING POKEMON RERUNS WHILE GETTING DOWN N' DIRTY, HOT N' HEAVY, DOING THE NASTY etc.
    That is all levels of wrong and disturbing.  Just....Just....NO!  My childhood has been forever tainted.  I'm not sure how to move on.  This week has been rough as it is and now all cutesy Pokemon nostalgia and the guilty pleasure of playing it once in a while is just....dirtied. Soiled.  I feel so wronged.
    And treat, as promised: A few of them because ya'll deserve it!

    How Frozen Should Have Ended
    Adam Levine Impressions
    Boy Band Parody Because bahaha and 90s

    Photo Credits
    dancing dumbledore
    The original crew
    She's the Man

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Wake up!

    I'm still alive! Just reassuring-or disappointing?- anyone who had a twinge of doubt.

    Anyone here THAT person? You know, the one whose alarm goes of at 6:03buttcrackofdawn a.m. and the eyeballs instantly pop open out of sheer pure excitement at this beautiful, glorious day, and instantly spring from the confines of your blankety prison that was holding you back?

    Orrrrr are you like me, with less than 8 hours of sleep where your snooze button is that sneaky voice of a frenemy who tells you that one more time wouldn't hurt.  Curse you frenemy.

    So my friends, I have compiled a list of tried and true techniques that I, yours truly, have experienced, unintentionally solely for your benefit and entertainment.  You are welcome

    1.) Drink at least 16oz. of water approximately four hours before you have to wake up.  Your bladder becomes bff's with your alarm clock as they both have the shared ambition of getting you out of bed.

    2.) Have a roommate who cooks for his girlfriend at 5am and the tantalizing smells of bacon arouse you from your slumber, only to drop you into a pit of sadness when your consciousness realizes it's not for you....and you will encounter a kitchen in shambles and manymanymany dirty dishes.

    3.) Said roommate could also have a cat who will relentlessly go into heat (this is now the 4th time in 3 weeks....) and find it of utmost importance to scratch and mew at your door because you two ARE OBVIOUSLY BFFS FOR LIFE.

    4.)  Fall out of your bed, but in such a fashion that you AND the bed flailing to the floor....
    ....Yes this happened. You see, I have a twin box spring and mattress in my humble little closet with windows.  However, said bed is extraordinarily uncomfortable.  So, I tried to remedy the situation by placing my other mattress, the one I slept on for the first month of my adventure, on top said rock of a bed.  Now this second mattress is the complete and utter opposite composition the box spring and mattress.  It is suuuuupppper squishy, so much to the point that if you sit or lean on one spot, that crater or dent will disrupt your sleep for the next two days.  This mattress also does not like sitting still on top the other two so it's a bit like sleeping on a squishy, uneven, sled.
      Last week whilst reaching for my alarm, the momentum of my arm swing down to alongside my bed, both my bed and I were sent sailing and sliding and flailing to the floor. I'm pretty sure Alfred was concerned why there hysterical laughter coming from my room at 6:30 a.m.
     This is beyond a doubt the most effective and entertaining way to wake up.
    I highly recommend it.


    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Updates and Distracting Myself....

    Right off the bat: Sorry not sorry.
    Alright bear with me because I'm trying to distract myself, and this post revolves around the reason.
    But first few updates on this apartment life oh mine to answer questions I've received:
    1) So Linda turned out to be not as normal as the initial encounter, a fact that my land lord let me know after her room stayed empty for a few weeks after her supposed move-in day so it's still just Alfred, Mothball, and I....and usually Hilda.
    2)Mothball is getting her lady parts taken are of and there is relief abounding through the apartment.
    3) Mothball's belongings had vanished from the bathroom the next morning! Halleeeelujah I was quite relieved.  Casual conversation with Alfred revealed that Surprise! she was driving him nut with the constant meowing so she was banished from his room.

    Fun fact: After I work out, I try to guzleguzzleguzzle water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated.  And it helps me not to want to eat all foods within reach.
      So this lovely, rainy evening I am standing in my kitchen in front of my laptop-I rarely sit....ever..- and scrolling through pinterest halloween food ideas  articles for an assignment whilst Alfred's music blares from the bathroom as he stars the shower. Important fact in this story.
    So I'm typing, scrolling, typing scrolling when all of a sudden WHOOOOOOOSH, the copious amount of water I have drank throughout the day hits my bladder and I have to pee like Sea Biscuit....except there is only one bathroom and I am not a guy so the great outdoors is not an option.

    Now Alfred is one of the few guys I know that will take lonnnnng showers, a fact my bladder and I are acutely aware of. Ohmanohmanohman ohhhhgoodygoodygumdrops...ohhhhkayyyy focus.  Read article....all I can hear is the shower running....curses! Alright ummm....newspaper ad! Hmm yesssss what IS on sale this week? Anything used to make delicious Halloween treats?? *Concentrating fiercely on connecting what to make with what is on sale whilstignoringthesoundofrunningwater*  Ad is finished...Oh man...AHA! BLOG!  And so here I sit. Like I said, sitting is something I rarely do so this is how you know it's a crisis.  If you see me sitting, immediately assume something drastic is happening or shall soon occur.  Lalala, just perusing gifs and expounding on my glorious li- THE BATHROOM DOOR HAS OPENED BYEEEEEEEEE!!! *Sprints/hobbles as fast as possible*

    Sheldon is the Master
    Amy's Life
    Captain Jack

    Saturday, October 18, 2014

    Rantity Rant Rant

    jkadhasjdhaihdslk! I am fuming.  And just to get the explanation for the over abundance of gifs:  I love these characters. and they are kind of  expressing my exact emotions.  I will not apologize.
    But why so angry? You might ask. Excellent question! Please, bear with me while I enlighten you.
    By now we know I am living with a cat.  Now I know your probably already thinking, "Oh no, not another cat rant," and trust me I wish it wan't.  But it is! So bear with me....or close the window.  You have the power!

    Anyways.  I am living with cat. Cat is not mine.  I, over the past few weeks have grown to detest this cat.  Thankfully, she usually is locked in Alfred's room, especially when he is not home.  SO I come home this evening and see the cat at the top of the stairs, which is quite strange but he's forgotten her outside his room before so whatever.  I shuffle to the bathroom and discover there have new installments, such as a cat tree. And cat food. 
    And a litter box that does not have a lid and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been cleaned in at least A WEEK.  I now notice the smell that is starting to permeate the apartment.  It is sickening and makes me feel disgusting.
    I am mad. Beyond mad.  And cat, Mothball, is deciding to see how far she can push my " hate you," button, by rubbing against my legs every second I stop moving. Squirtsquirtsquirt.  Also, now since I have locked her in the bathroom, as I do not want her spraying everywhere, she is meowing, and scratching, nonstop.  NONONONONOARRRGGHHHHH
     OhmywordIcouldkickyou.  ^^ looks of loathing equivalent to that felt towards cat^^

    It would have been  different if I would have been asked, or even have it mentioned to me in passing.  I understand that yes he lives here,but so do I.  We share the bathroom.  We do not share his bedroom.  Therefore, what is his, i.e. Mothball, should kept with his things.  This can't go on though.  I don't want to take a shower in a bathroom that already reeks.  I don't want to eat and cook in a house that stinks of cat feces.

    I hate confrontation but I just might despise this situation/cat a wee more.  I don't want to get the landlod involved if I don't have too but I guess we will see what happens.....  Communication and respect go along way when living with someone else.  Just saying.
    Whew.  If you made it to the end of this, congrats!! Here is your reward:  Peter Hollens in all his accapella amazingness!


    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    The experiment

    Sorrysorrysorry it's been forever!  I've been swamped with class and homework.  I finished my 10+page paper after 5 straight hours of staring at my laptop screen and my eyeballs felt like falling straight to my keyboard rather than staring at this infernal thing any longer.  Plus I was still missing an interview I needed for this confounded report.  One hadn't gotten back to me  and the other contact couldn't get it done until this weekend ....a tidbit I found this a.m. while I was trying to pound out a coherent paper.  I spent five minutes in giddy, hysterical I'mgonnahaveameltdown state when the most beautiful miracle happened and I squealed for joy and breathed the biggest side of relief as I grinned a room-brightening grin: The first of my contacts emailed me all the answers to my questions. I was absolutely delirious with relief., brief as it was as I still had to incorporate her answers and make up, er research, some other details..

    Also part of the reason it's been forever was that I was conducting an experiment.  You see, we have been running EXTREMELY low on toilet paper lately.  Now I have a stash in my room.  I filled up the t.p. holder thing we have, and supplied a few rolls after that.  Maybe I'm a horrible person....But there would be days where our porcelain office was devoid of white plushiness.  My experiment was to see if Alfred would take it upon himself to go buy more.  One particular day when the TP was non existent during the longest stretch so far, being about 3 days that I had not supplied a roll from the stash,  I noticed there was a new kleenex box placed on the back of le toilet. Hm. interesting.  
    Probably a good thing the land lord is unaware of this potential clogging hazard.  Keep  in mind this experiment goes on for a weekish, probably more.  Well I'm headed outta town for the weekend so I shall leave Alfred and Hilda, le girlfriend, and the kleenex to their duties for the next 4 days!
    Monday I come back and much to my shock, the bathroom stand is overflowing with roll on rolls on rolls of white, woven, beautiful toilet paper. AND there is a new stash of paper towel, which we were also devoid of. AND more dish soap, which we had, but oh well.  I was beyond impressed.  I might even do some of his dishes. Ha. Ha. Ha. Just kidding: the garbage is stinking up the apartment and basically overflowing. again.

    Also, guess who is in heat...for the third time in 2 WEEKS....

    meme 1, meme 2, meme 3

    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    Power Trip

    Things you can do when you and I are mutual friends:  Touch me; talk to me, about pointless as well as serious things.  If we are not friends, you are not allowed to do these things and I become angry.  For some reason Mothball seems to think we are friends.  False.  We were friendly acquaintances....then heat happened.
    She was supposed to get declawed and fixed Friday,but for some straaaange reason, it didn't happen.  And Mothball is in heat, AGAIN.  This is TWICE in a WEEK AND A HALF.  Which means another week of touchyfeelylovemewhileImeownonstopforhoursonend.  I can't. I just can't. 

    Today I am trying to read and take notes, you know, college-y things while when Mothball slinks in. ugh.  Alright alright focus...She is brushing against my legs. I repress a shudder. When you can't stand a certain thing, any contact becomes cringe-worthy. 
    Throughout my study session, Mothball decides that my legs are just not enough but that she must be RIGHT next to me, in my face, and of course, touching me. Nonono. after throwing her off the ocunter several times, I barricade the edge with various available objects: Coffeemaker, toaster, k-cup boxes, cleaning spray coffee bags etc.  She decides to climb upon the garbage, jump on the counter and Nuzzle The Great Wall of Anti-Mothball. ahhhh. put random objects on garbage can. She proceeds to knock them down. This is not a very productive homework session.  Move garbage away from counter.  SHE MANAGES TO LEAP OVER THE WALL.  I am .000000012390123809 a nerve away from opening the window and allowing her the opportunity to explore the rooftop view.....forever.

    All of a sudden, my being has brilliant idea.  I enthusiastically whip open the cupboard under the sink where there is a nearly empty spray bottle. Rinserinserinse, test nozzle- squirtsquirtsquirt- and cue the evil laugh and gleam in the eye.
    Casually, I return to my studies, but with a (eager) peripheral eye on Mothball....and I wait...BINGO! She pounces, and I do to.  I give a warning, "Mothball, get down..."Then I attack.  Squirtsquirtsquirt! Bullseye! Full misting power in le face.  It is beautifully, immediately effective.  Evil laughter and excitment race through my veins.  I holster my weapon.  She jumps on the table. AHA! squiirtsquirtsquirt! I am on a roll.  I am mad and power hungry.  Life has just brightened.  Their are so many possibilities! 

    BONUS STORY:  ALFRED CLEANED THE APARTMENT!! Kitchen anyway But he CLEANED. I was so impressed. My heart was leaping.  You see earlier that day I had asked him to clean the bathroom.
    I don't like to be told when to clean.  That's why I moved out of my parents.  I'll clean on my own time."
    Not said meanly or snottily, just said.

    "And I get that!  That's fine.  It just needs to get done or it gets gross."
    "Right, yeah"

    So I'm just wondering if we could do a week by week alternation...?"
    No response. I left fuming.
    But then I came home and he's vacuuming and cleaning the stove, garbage, EVERYTHING!  The bathroom wasn't done, but hey This is progress compared to a month ago....

    Dr. Who
    fresh prince
    grumpy cat

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    Updates and 7 a.m. Alcohol

    Dwight has officially left the Hilton Heights Apartment Suite and Rita is due to move in this week at some point.  There is a mysterious van parked in our lot so I'm assuming it's hers....if not I may have someone handing out free candy in the back alley....sketchy I tell you.

    Also, mothball, annoyance extraordinaire, is FINALLY done with heat and is getting fixed on Friday. Oh hallelujah.  Yeah so remember the experiment I told you to try to understand how annoying a cat in heat is?  Modification.  Put annoying sound producing object  inside a stuffed animal and have a three year old constantly shove it your face, on your laptop, and never not touching you....THat sounds like a more accurate depiction.

    Funny story:  Bright and early last Thursday, I am in the process of eating my "oatmeal"and still slogging through my half-asleep stage as I get ready for 8am. class.  While Enjoying my breakfast, Alfred wanders in and reaches around me to grab a glass from the cupboard. Polite, "morning"s are exchanged as he open the fridge and takes out the orange juice.  Followed by the Jim Beam.  At the ripe hour of approximately 7a.m.  Inside I start giggling.  7:30 a.m. I am heading towards the door as Alfred pours himself another concoction.
     "Rough day ahead?" I ask amusement..
    "Nope! It's my day off!"
    As I walk out the door I am struggling to contain laughter and  reflecting on how I have had those ideal days off, spening the day in my sweats, maybe showering, eating whatever have you's and zoning on blogs, facebook and books.  Too each their own, and Alfred's is Jim Beam....all day be cause when I was back in the kitchen around 1230 he was pouring another glass.  Sir, I judge you not.

    Candy Van

    Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    This New Girl is Getting Another New Girl...And Cats Go Meow

    So I found this bit of news out earlier this week but waited for confirmation to share it with all you lovelies:  Dwight is moving out this week and a new sub leaser will be taking over his absence so I introduce to you  Rita !  I was able to meet her briefly the other night when she was taking a tour of our grandiose residence.  I don't believe she will be as entertaining as Sir Dwight but as I discussed in the last post, I'm horrid at predictions.
    Aaaaaand story time!
    It's often been said that there are two types of people in the world, Dog People, and Cat People.  I'm not sure which categories you glorious little gumdrops fall into but I tend to lean a bit closer to the canines.  Now I do not have a problem with cats.  I tolerate cats quite well-kittens a little more so- and I may even pet your cat.  Few felines have I granted, "I like you!" status. I THINK I can think of one....maybe.
     <<<<no definitely not me

    Now my lovely little abode has a cat/kitten.  She is about 5 months old, and I shall call her Mothball, because I can.  Now Mothball usually she falls into the tolerable cat category.  Quiet, not overly friendly-not mean, just not the PETMENOWILOVEYOUANDCAN'TTAKEYOUNOTLOVINGME sort. And she is usually confined to Alfred's room.
    Marvelous little Mothball-I'm in the mood for alliterations apparently-has been in heat for the past week.  Now I do not know if this normal for cats in heat but all of a sudden Mothball has become hyper attached to me, my legs,arms, textbooks, or anything else that is on or near my person. No. Just, NO. Not okey.  Cat we are acquaintances, not snuggle buddies.  Last nigth while trying to read and attend to my studies, she was quite insistent on showing affection by trying to nuzzle my hand, computer and plod and prod my textbook...she was thrown off the table many times.  Not viciously, for all those who pictured me whipping her across the room. I simply grabbed her and put her on the floor, like a humane being.  Geez....though throwing was tempting at times, I am, like I said, a humane, human being
    I am not amused By your use of Another part of this LOVEMELOVELOVELOVEMEEEE stage Mothball is going through is mewing and mewing and mewing......and mewing a little an ridiculous incessant amount.  My landlord downstairs can hear her.  As an example of how annoying/frustrating this is,pick your choice of the song "Friday," Uncle Bobo's obnoxious laugh, Fred or police sirens and have it sporadically playing for about three hours at 5ish minute intervals with a minute break for about 3-8 hours.  Got it.  Now do this for  a week.  AND YOU CAN'T TURN IT OFF.  I feel this provides an adequate visual.  Added challenge: Do productive work like things.

    Perhaps my annoyance is heightened by the fact that I a not of the cat loving variety....
    But main point of the story, Free Cat anyone??
    brace yourselves 
    cat meme
    newgirl meme

    Friday, September 12, 2014


    Unlike the average bear-or monkey or velociraptor or fairy of what have you-I adore surprises.  Absolutely infatuated with them.  It is a long held dream of mine that I be thrown a surprise party for any occasion. Strange, but the unapologetic truth.  I also seem to be more horrid at predicting things and people then most. I am the worlds best reverse fortune teller.  If I tell you "I think this will happen," It's almost guaranteed to be the opposite. Moral: Never believe what I say.

    When I first moved into my humble abode, like any respectable young adult in the 21st century technology world, I facebook creeped upon my new living mates.
    Lacy was the first one I looked at because hey I figured I would have another female person with me in this testosterone filled apartment!  All her recent pictures showed her and Dwight together, a happy young couple.  She definitely appears to be an active sporty, individual.  Sounds good to me!
    Dwight seemed to be the next logical choice in my purposeful facebook trolling.  His page was....interesting.  Activities seemed to be a bit questionable at times but harmless enough.  Still, I thought, "Self, this will definitely be the interesting one of the bunch. I'm not sure how we shall handle this one, but we shall stay strong."
    Alfred's profile was my next destination.  Profile picture looks to be of the senior variety.  Definitely a hunter.  Looks like a decent harmless sort, perhaps of the shyer variety.  Fabulous.  It seems I'll have one quiet roommate at least and if any problems arise
      Faaaaaasssssst forward to the third week in this adventure:  Lacy is gone. (Reason-and intro to my living situation and fun, if your new to all of these shenanigans.)  Alfred doesn't seem to be my biggest fan-working on figuring out if this is just me or if my normally wrong hunch is actually right- and has been the core of any difficulties or disruptions   .
    Most recent or the difficulties:  Dishes were once again piling up and even though Alfred is currently one handed, I asked his to do dishes.  Yes I realize it's difficult, but it is possible.  I politely asked and was abruptly told "No I am not doing dishes one handed."
    "You heard me."
    Well then...."Then see if Hilda will help you (his gf)" *Yes I realize that may seem out of line and rude, but she eats here just as often as he does.)
    A few days later, the dishes are done! YAYYYY!  And after some thinking I decide to offer a compromise:  I will do dishes until his hand heals if he will vaccuum.
    I hear a garbled response and he shuts his door.  A few minutes later, I deciphered it into "Sure, after the dishes are done."
    I'm sorry mister snarky pants.  I wan't going to go ahead and do your dishes after asking you to do them.  That would have been counter productive on my part and would have most likely earned me the label of pushover/housemaidy person.  At twenty years old, you need to figure out how to work things out and do things, even if you are one handed.  Rant over.

    And Dwight.  In the past week alone, I have had 3 good, interesting conversations with him and his friends, covering everything from our beliefs on the existence of "true love," society and it's flaws, with a hint of governmental views thrown in for good measure. He's one of those sorts that seems to make friends with everyone because he's so laid back. And come deer season we have worked out a trade that for the venison he makes,   I will make "those dank cookies" He has an interesting, slightly wangster vocabulary at times...and we live in a small, midwestern city....I find it hysterical.
    Since no one in my immediate family hunts so I am extremely excited about this prospect for fresh venison.  (Sorry not sorry to vegetarians....bacon and other meets have a grand and happy relationship with my tastebuds.)
    AND HE HAS DONE DISHES 2 DAYS IN A ROW!! Seriously you have no idea how happy this make me! I clapped and happy danced when I first laid my eyes on the full drying rack and empty sink.  I smile just at the memory....
    Talk about unexpected happenings and unexpected surprises.  Like I said, I am terrible at predicting things.
    It's not all sunshine and rainbows for sure (someone threw away the "Cleaning Guidelines list I had drawn up....that will change nothing boys.  You must still clean the toilet."   but it's a learning experience, and a valuable one.  It's hard to work with people who maybe don't view things the same way you do or have completely different attitudes.  However this is life, and learning how to compromise and cope with these kind of difficulties are an important skill....I'm trying to be a good pupil but dang it's hard. I don't like conflict but I'm definitely seeing that it's important to stick with your guns....just don't fire unnecessary shots!

    new girl gif
    big bang theory gif
    dancing dude gif

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Should've known....

    Heads Up:  Adulty things happened so therefore this is a post on said themes..  You have been warned so read at your own risk!

    And here I was worried that nothing blog-worthy would happen....Sooooo we all recall that I am living with 2 dudes since the girlfriend moved out.  This was a development I was halfway excited/happy about because there are a couple of things I really did not want to deal with.
    1)When you break up and I have to deal with that drama
    2) The awkward sex and the accompanying noises.

    In the lovely adventure that has been living in my apartment, last week I have had the (drunken) fight and break up experience so I should have known the latter was coming...
    *Now I just want to clarify that in these incidences, it's not Dwight and Lacy, the original bf/gf, but rather Alfred and his lady, Hilda, who does not officially live with us.*
    This particular evening I am engrossed in the usual activities, aka reading one of the many textbooks, posting on class discussion boards and a wee bit of facebook here and there....and Hello Giggles....and eating things because let's be honest here....I love me some foods.
    While a midst my searching for an intelligent leadership article when I hear the following... conversation:
    "Are you okey?"
    "You pulled my shorts down right on my tattoo!"
    Oh no, nononono...no?  Ugh just kidding because heeeere come the noises... ah c'mon!
    Cue hasty rushing to le youtube and frantically clicking the first video I see (Thank you Jenna Marbles for providing comic relief in my time of crisis)

    Now I begin my mental debate: Do I leave? or do I stay here with Peter Hollens serenading me and distracting from the other sounds?
    I chose Peter Hollens, at a rather high volume, no headphones.  I can make noise too folks!  (I currently can't find my headphones so that was part of that...) Because I have work to do. (and now a post to write.)
    Am I overreacting? Maybe?  Yes I understand that sex does happen, after all humans are animals too but that doesn't mean I have to listen.  I reserve the right to fight sounds with sounds.  Or Am I being a super wench?  I feel maybeI should I have expected this, I mean I've already and break up and make up drama so this was next in the natural order of things.
    As a solution to this development that U'm sure will reoccur, I have now decided to create a playlist composed of slightly creeperish songs, to play out loud-Toy Soldiers, Ghost, Every Move you Make, etc.  Or maybe I should just be nice and put in headphones and think happy thoughts?
    What do you guys think? Am I being super wenchy?  Anyone else have a solution or ideas? (Wenchy and civil both accepted.)

    Image courtesy of http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/7a/7a30cef6d92c9926a0122fbbec5eae9102f67820affaadd7037b8b6d5f839e27.jpg

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    DD's=Difficult Dishes

    Part 1: August 20th 2014 I moved into my apartment.  In the kitchen of my marvelous abode, there was a used cereal bowl, presumably that mornings breakfast for Dwight or Alfred.  August 27th, the same bowl has not moved, but it's comrades and other dishware have made it to the sink, and have stayed there....for a week... Both sink wells are full.  Long story short, I do a weeks worth of dishes because well, I need the sink!!  After the fact I approach my roommate men, "Hey guys, new rule: Everyone does their own dishes! Okey thaaaaanks!!"
    I am learning that dishes are a thing that guys in general absolutely despise with every bone in their body.

    Part 2: Labor Day weekend=a long weekend to see long lost pals and celebrate their birthdays!! I grab the garbage to deposit in the correct disposal bin before I vanish for a weekend.  As I pull it out, my nostrils are assailed with the sickly sweet smell of something that is rotting and probably growing life on it's decomposing self.  Someone had thrown something into the garbage when it had been bagless, then proceeded to put a bag on top of it, multiple times. Ugh. Ugh. Yuckyuckyuck.  I force my brain to stop thinking for a few minutes so I can scoop out and dispose of the rottenness with a safely bagged hand.  Dish soaaaapppp. Lots of dish sooooaaaapppp and boiling water are combined into the bacterial and fungal utopia that is our garbage.  I kindly request that one of them wipes it out and wish all a fabulous weekend. Vrooooommmm I am off!!

    Part 3, where it aaaallll comes full circle:  Fast forward to the current day when I arrive after a fabulous weekend filled with friendsto an apartment that smells rather funky...I am beyond terrified to what I will find.  According to Alfred, the kitchen floor is soaked, causing the fishy, mildewy, kind of rotty smell.  He thinks it's because of the water that was in the garbage can and leaked out. "I'll take care of it when we get back." Um this wet, carpeted, floor has been drenched since Saturday....let that sink in...yeah okey; I deposit my travel things into my closet, er bedroom, and cautiously stake out the kitchen scenario. Carpet is indeed drenched so channeling my mother, I dump almost a whole box of baking soda onto the floor and grab a fan.  That done, for now, my peripheral eye spies the sink.  The sink that has 2 soaked rags in the bottom of it.  The sink that has salsa remnants in it from Saturday.  The sink that has dishes with food still clinging to their ceramic sides as they sit on top of the salsa remnants.  The sink that I am pretty sure is the other source of the joyous smells in our apartment.  Cue frantic, panicked digging for the chocolate chips.  C'mon, C'mon I know they're in here... ahhhhhhh!!!!! Oh wait! There you are you devils!  It's not nice to hide in my time of need.  I pace. I almost scream. Can't focus Can't focus. Call friend. Rant.  Pace I can't do this...Discover ashes or something on the coffee table. IamhereforawholeyearIcan'tdothiswhyyyy. Blog.  This blog shall be my sanity keeper.  In hind sight I feel I overreacted but my word.    I feel like I may be stepping into a motherly role this next year...Any of you with imaginations, please tell me how you see that going.  The first step in my motherly duties: Instill the importance of clean dishes (and dish towels) and explain the unfortunate, potentionally health hazards that result from cleaning things.  As friends and acquanitances know, I am untidy.  However, I am not dirty.  This year I think I am going to have to learn to be both.  Organization tips from anyone will be appreciated.  Seriously.
    (I'd love to say that was an exaggeration of my reaction but it was not)
    Alfred and Dwight are nice guys.  Truly.  Easy enough to chat with and such.  It's just....cleaning? Just once and a while? Please?

    How It All Began....

    So here is the story of this blog and the reason behind its birth:
    Going into my senior year at university, I had the lovely idea of "Hey let's transfer schools!"  (I blame my friend Katie for this)  Sadly I decided to do this in oh you know, June, when the availability for housing is oh you know....nonexistent.  So off I go, apartment hunting! La de dah!  I check out 2 within my price range, and decide on the first one I visited, which is an upper level house 3-bedroom apartment.  Now I have nobody in this new town that I know so therefore, I have no ready-set roommates.  This means whoever else decides to fill in the other 2 bedrooms shall be my roomies for the year.  Faaaaasssst forward to August:  I am alerted to the fact that my roommates are to be a male and a male with a girlfriend.  Small apartment just got a lot smaller.  Also, male and girlfriend are interested in the bedroom I had originally looked at so the landlord offers to decrease my rent if I would kindly take the smallest bedroom, which I had not toured but hey for twenty bucks less, I'll take it!  Tis no big deal, I'm pretty laid back and go with the flow.  It shall be an adventure!!

    Move-In Day!  Getting nervous/anxious to meet these strangers I have to live with for the next 9 months....I arrive, find the  key, open the door, tromp up the stairs and....nobody. Nothing.  Alright, cool.  Well might as well unload!  I drag the first box up and open the door to my quarters and momentarily wonder if I've mistakenly wandered into a large walk-in closet.  Judging by the windows, and the fact there is no other option, it appears I have found my room! Minor surprise, but a small detail I can live with..  Thankfully the only thing I really have to fit in this charming space is a bed.
     Move it all in but still no sign of the mateys.  By this time, Mother, my moving partner in crime has arrived so we unpack what we can then head to the motel to eat and attend to other activities.  The next morning I say farewell to the mother and continue to unpack.  The kitchen, I discover, has NO cabinet space, so I decide to utilize the oven drawer.  Upon opening, it's rather grimy and littered with old food so time to clean and scrub and imagine happy things!  The door down stairs opens and I brace myself for the first encounter.
    "Hi I'm Ashley!" I cheerily introduce myself to a blonde girl about my age.
    "Hi I'm  Lacy*....I'm actually moving out; Dwight* and I just broke up."  Well this just got alllllll sorts of interesting and awkward.  I offer condolences as well as the boxes I am unpacking.  Well one less roommate to share the bathroom with!
    The rest of the day unfolds in a quiet, uneventful manner.  Iron Man mask, and Spider Manposter are successfully hung and my mattress is plopped on the floor and I ponder this new living development:. I shall now be rooming with two dudes,  Dwight and Alfred.  One bathroom, one kitchen, one year.  Let it begin!!